It's imperative they reform as quickly as possible for only by acting as one can the males withstand the elements, and protect their eggs. But their greatest test lies ahead. As winter advances, frequent blizzards drive the temperature down. It's now 60 degrees below zero. The birds at the edge of the huddle bear the brunt of the hundred-mile-an-hour winds and so provide shelter to those taking their turn in the middle. Abandoned by the sun the males are left alone with their eggs to face the coldest darkest winter on earth. At the northern extreme of our planet the sun rises for the first time in months, illuminating a very different ice world. 它们不断地变换位置,重组队形的动作完成得非常快,因为只有行动协调才能经受住这种严酷的气候,保住它们的后代。最大的考验还在后面。冬天带来了暴风雪,气温更低了,现在已经是零下六十摄氏度。在企鹅群最外围的企鹅要承受时速高达一二百公里的狂风,从而保护着位于中间的那些企鹅。不过,大家的位置是要轮换的。这些雄企鹅在没有太阳的情况下,必须带着企鹅蛋捱过地球上最严寒最黑暗的冬天。这时,在地球的北极,几个月来太阳第一次露面,它照亮的是一个完全不同的冰雪世界。