Males begin to serenade and if a female replies they pair up, posing like statues. New couples quickly form a strong bond. They seem oblivious to the noisy crowd around them. To cement their relationship the male steps out with his female. The brief courtship complete. There isn't a moment to lose. With so much pressure to perform any male would struggle to stay on top. Several weeks later and it seems that most couplings were successful but producing the egg has taken its toll. The females no longer have the energy to incubate. The male takes over. It's still minus 20 degrees centigrade, so the transfer must be done quickly or else the egg will freeze. With no bare rock to nest on the male tucks the egg into a special pouch where he can keep it warm. It requires an extraordinary piece of teamwork. 雄企鹅开始唱小夜曲了,如果有一只雌企鹅响应,它们就会结成一对,做出像雕像一样的姿势。新结合的企鹅很快有了强烈的感情,对周围的吵吵嚷嚷似乎听而不闻。为了确定它们的关系,雄企鹅会和雌企鹅一起走出去。短暂的求爱结束了,下面要抓紧每一分钟时间。繁殖下一代的冲动使雄企鹅在交配中始终保持最佳状态。几周过去了,它们的结合很成功,但雌企鹅因为生蛋耗尽了力气。它再没有精力孵蛋了,这个任务要由雄企鹅来承担。现在的气温仍然是零下二十摄氏度,所以转交速度必须要快,否则蛋就会冻坏。因为没有裸露的岩石,所以雄企鹅把蛋放在身体下面,一个特别的袋状物中让蛋保持温暖。这需要有默契的合作方式。