The thaw unlocks sheltered bays that provide refuge from the relentless battering of the southern ocean. In the depths something stirs. Humpback whales. They have travelled over 5,000 miles to reach these waters. The whales are harvesting krill, shrimp-like creatures that begin to swarm here as soon as the ice retreats. Diving into the heart of the swarm teams of whales spiral round each other in close coordination. Now they turn, blasting air from their blowholes and ascend towards their prey. The krill becomes concentrated as the spiralling net of bubbles draws inwards. The team of whales work round the clock for the boom is short lived. Summer is already fading and the whales will soon be forced north as winter returns. 冰雪的融化形成了一个能够躲避南极风浪袭击的港湾。现在水下深处有东西在游动,这是座头鲸,它们从万里之外游到了这片水域。它们是来吃磷虾的。这种虾在冰层刚刚融化之后大量地聚集到这里。座头鲸会潜入到虾群的下方,一头紧跟着一头形成包围圈,现在它们转过头来从猎物的四周喷出空气,迫使磷虾向中间集中。座头鲸日夜不停地捕食,因为这样的机会是短暂的,夏天快要结束了,冬天到来之前,座头鲸不得不离开这里。