At the southern end of our planet fiery ribbons are illuminating the winter skies. The aurora australis. This light brings no warmth to the male penguins who are still huddling defying the coldest conditions on the planet. Their ordeal is drawing to a close. 30 days after it last set the sun rises once more on Antarctica. Their appalling trials have all been for this. Each father has just one meal left inside him. He's been saving it all winter. This single feed will sustain the chicks for a few more days but the males have not eaten for nearly four months. If they do not eat soon they and their chicks will die. 在地球的最南端,带子一样的光照亮了冬日的天空,这是南极光。这种光并不会给雄企鹅带来温暖,它们仍然挤在一起,熬着地球上最寒冷的日子。不过它们的苦难快要结束了,三十天之后,太阳又在南极的天空中出现了,它们经历了种种考验,等待的就是这一天。在整整一个冬天里,每位企鹅爸爸的肚子里都留有仅够一顿的食物,现在这顿食物可以使小企鹅坚持好几天,但雄企鹅已经四个月没有吃东西了,如果不很快吃东西,它和小企鹅都会被饿死。