bing xue shi jie 22

Song 冰雪世界 22
Artist 英语听力
Album BBC地球脉动


At the southern end of our planet fiery ribbons are illuminating the winter skies. The aurora australis. This light brings no warmth to the male penguins who are still huddling defying the coldest conditions on the planet. Their ordeal is drawing to a close. 30 days after it last set the sun rises once more on Antarctica. Their appalling trials have all been for this. Each father has just one meal left inside him. He's been saving it all winter. This single feed will sustain the chicks for a few more days but the males have not eaten for nearly four months. If they do not eat soon they and their chicks will die.


At the southern end of our planet fiery ribbons are illuminating the winter skies. The aurora australis. This light brings no warmth to the male penguins who are still huddling defying the coldest conditions on the planet. Their ordeal is drawing to a close. 30 days after it last set the sun rises once more on Antarctica. Their appalling trials have all been for this. Each father has just one meal left inside him. He' s been saving it all winter. This single feed will sustain the chicks for a few more days but the males have not eaten for nearly four months. If they do not eat soon they and their chicks will die.
zài dì qiú de zuì nán duān, dài zi yí yàng de guāng zhào liàng le dōng rì de tiān kōng, zhè shì nán jí guāng. zhè zhǒng guāng bìng bú huì gěi xióng qǐ é dài lái wēn nuǎn, tā men réng rán jǐ zài yì qǐ, áo zháo dì qiú shàng zuì hán lěng de rì zi. bù guò tā men de kǔ nàn kuài yào jié shù le, sān shí tiān zhī hòu, tài yáng yòu zài nán jí de tiān kōng zhōng chū xiàn le, tā men jīng lì le zhǒng zhǒng kǎo yàn, děng dài de jiù shì zhè yì tiān. zài zhěng zhěng yí gè dōng tiān lǐ, měi wèi qǐ é bà bà de dǔ zi lǐ dōu liú yǒu jǐn gòu yī dùn de shí wù, xiàn zài zhè dùn shí wù kě yǐ shǐ xiǎo qǐ é jiān chí hǎo jǐ tiān, dàn xióng qǐ é yǐ jīng sì gè yuè méi yǒu chī dōng xī le, rú guǒ bù hěn kuài chī dōng xī, tā hé xiǎo qǐ é dōu huì bèi è sǐ.