The flailing walrus is immensely powerful and drags the bear away from the shallows towards the safety of the herd. It slips from his grasp. Only at the height of summer when bears are on the verge of starvation will they risk attacking such dangerous prey. It was a gamble that this bear took, and lost. The stab wounds he received from the walrus are so severe that he can barely walk. The walruses are calm again seemingly aware that the injured bear no longer poses a threat to them or their young. Unable to feed this bear will not survive. If the global climate continues to warm and the Arctic ice melts sooner each year it's certain that more bears will share this fate. 发怒的雄海象力量非常大,它把北极熊拖进了海里,海象还是从它的手中溜掉了。北极熊只有在仲夏时节处于非常饥饿的状态时,才会冒险去攻击危险的猎物。这只北极熊的捕猎失败了,海象把它严重刺伤,它现在行走起来都很困难。海象现在安静了下来,似乎意识到北极熊不会对它们和它们的幼仔构成威胁了。这头北极熊再找不到食物,它生存的希望就不大了。如果地球气候越来越暖和,北极的冰融化得一年比一年早,越来越多的北极熊无疑会遭遇同样的命运。