After several days at sea the male bear finally makes landfall drawn by pungent smells emanating from the island. By the end of summer the bear has lost half his weight. With the ice long gone he is forced onto land in search of food. There will be no easy meals on this island. Walruses are the largest seals in the world. They weigh over a tonne and are armed with tusks a metre long. Exhausted from his swim the bear must regain his strength. The next day a sea fog shrouds the island. The walruses sense that they're in danger. Using the fog as cover the bear approaches the herd. 在海上浮游几天之后,公北极熊终于登岸了。它是被岛上强烈的气味吸引来的。夏天结束时这只北极熊的体重已经减少了一半,冰层融化之后,它不得不在陆地上寻找食物。这个岛上的食物并不容易获得。海象的体重可以超过一吨,而且有长达一米的尖利牙齿。北极熊经过长时间的游泳已经筋疲力尽了,它还没有恢复捕食的力量。第二天,雾给小岛披上了一层轻纱,可是海象却感觉到一种莫名的危险正在迫近。熊在雾的掩护下向海象群靠近。