The seascape is in constant flux, as broken ice is moved on by winds and currents. The ice is becoming too weak to support a male polar bear. He attempts to spread his weight but the ice that has supported him all winter is rapidly disintegrating. Each year as the climate warms the Arctic holds less ice. This is a disaster for polar bears. Without its solid platform, they can't hunt the seals they need in order to survive. This may be a glimpse of the unstable future faced by this magnificent creature. As the ice disappears seabirds return to the high Arctic. Little auks arrive in their millions. 海面的情况在不断地变动。因为风和洋流不停地推动着浮冰流动,冰变得越来越薄,已经无法承受雄性北极熊的体重了。它试图分散身体的重量,但一个冬天都能支撑它身体的冰面正在迅速地解体。气候变得越来越暖和,北极的冰融化得越来越快,这对北极熊是一个灾难。没有坚实的冰层支撑,它就无法捕猎到足够的猎物使它度过食物最短缺的夏天。或许从这儿我们可以窥见到这种巨型动物不祥的未来。冰雪消融之后,海鸟们也飞回到了北极的洋面。侏海雀成百万只飞来。