The musk oxen have recently given birth. For the fox, it's a chance to scavenge but half a tonne of mad hairy cow is not to be trifled with. The calves are born well before the spring melt giving them a head start when summer finally arrives. It must get to grips with its new ice world, benign in one minute life threatening the next. Even in spring winds chill to the bone. The calf must stay close to its mother to avoid getting lost in the sudden blizzard. Arctic wolves. In the whiteout, the threat is almost impossible to detect but the musk oxen instinctively retreat to higher ground. 一头母麝牛刚刚生了小牛,对北极狐来说这可是好久没有吃的美味佳肴了。但是体重达半吨,全身长满长毛的母麝牛可不是好惹的。小麝牛选在冰雪融化之前出生,这使它们可以在夏天到来之时可以自己享用丰富的植物。但是现在它必须适应这个冰雪的世界,这是一个变幻无常的世界,刚才一切平静转眼就危险临头。即使是春天也寒风彻骨,小牛必须紧跟着妈妈,以防在暴风雪中迷路,这是麝牛的邻居,北极狼。在北极出现乳白色天空的状况下,你几乎无法预测危险的到来,麝牛本能地退到了地势较高的地方。