Stanley's story begins here in the mouth of Swansea Bay. In June 2004, local fisherman Robert Davies set out as usual in his home-made boat, The Wonky, unaware that he was about to land a monster and himself, in very deep water. What were you actually fishing for at the time? Oh, skate, plaice, bass. Mostly bottom-feeders. Yeah. Bottom-feeders, so anything that swims, you know. Anything that swims. While today's catch contained nothing more unusual than a discarded tyre, on that particular morning, Robert snared something completely unexpected. I thought, what is that? Is that a dolphin? Or is that a shark? I didn't really know. There were scales all over his back. It was like a dinosaur, really. So, unable to actually lift a monster fish onto the deck on his own Robert tied it alongside the boat and headed back to shore. Stanley was thought to be a very rare and valuable European Atlantic sturgeon, also known as the British sturgeon. 斯坦利的故事得从斯温西湾入海口说起,2004年6月,渔民罗伯特·戴维斯照常驾驶自制漂摇号渔船出海,根本没想到他会在大海中遇到这个家伙。 那时你都能打上什么鱼? 鳐鱼,鲽鱼,鲈鱼,以水底有机沉积物为食的底栖动物,主要是食泥底鱼,有什么打什么,有什么打什么。 尽管在那天的收获里,除了一只废轮胎,没什么新鲜东西。就在那个早晨,罗伯特的所获,出乎意料。 当时我想这什么东西?海豚吗?鲨鱼吗?我真不知道。它的背部布满鳞片,就想恐龙一样,真的。 罗伯特没办法一个人,把这条怪鱼抬上甲板,他就把这条怪鱼,系在了船边,开回岸边。斯坦利是极为稀有珍贵的,欧洲大西洋鲟鱼,也被称作英国鲟鱼。