Try to keep ourselves odour-free, but I think sometimes after a day's work some of our fellow passengers on the train might notice the odd fishy note. While museum scientists spend lifetimes trying to find new and exciting species, sometimes the exciting species find them. Are you ready? So your end needs to come up more. Okay, got that feeling? Meet Stanley, nearly nine-foot-long, 19 stone, and a face like I don't know what. Stanley is a sturgeon and he's not just tricky to get down stairs. Got to be careful he doesn't slide off. He's one of the rarest and most important specimens held in the museum's fish collection. But if you think his prehistoric looks are extraordinary, wait till you hear how he ended up in the museum in the first place. That really is the ultimate fishy tale. 我们努力去除自己身上的味道,但是在一天的工作之后,列车上的一些乘客,还是会觉察出这奇怪的鱼味。 博物馆里的科学家们,穷尽一生寻找新物种。而新物种有时也会找上门来 准备好了吗 你那边得再抬高点 好了 感觉怎么样 这就是斯坦利 2.7米长 70公斤重,长着一张无辜的脸。马克·卡沃丁,这条叫做斯坦利的鲟鱼,运下楼可不容易。 小心点,别让它滑下去。它是博物馆鱼类收藏中非常重要且非常罕见的标本,你或许觉得 它这副古老的长相很奇怪,可它来到博物馆的故事 更加离奇。《老人与海》也不过如此