You are so good, Mark. I swear my heart is beating through my chest. My fear, really like, honestly, this is so hard. I can't feel my fingertips. And then you just stare. Tell you what, that was really hard. and I mean, working in telly, you've got to learn to think on your feet but that was a completely different type of adrenaline. And it was only role playing. I mean, I can't imagine myself actually doing that in a real court situation with somebody's freedom actually on the line. It gives me a whole newfound respect for what Richard and Martin do. And I think I'm better off going back to my day job and leaving it to the experts. Most museum experts come to the job for one reason. They follow their passion. In the end, the advancement of science owes little to fame or fortune and everything to a desire to spend a lifetime edging forward our understanding of the world. 马克你太棒了 我发誓,我的心都要跳出来了,把我给吓得... 说实话,吓得我我手都麻了。你还一直盯着我。 跟你说,这简直太难了,在电视台工作,你得学会随机应变,但这可真是完全不同的一种刺激,这还只是角色扮演而已,我真无法想象,真的上庭作证事关另一个人的自由,这让我对理查德和马丁的工作更加尊敬。我还是回去上我的班,把这活儿留给专家吧。 多数博物馆专家,入行的原因是一样的,对这项工作的热爱,。最终,科学的发展凭借的不是名声,亦非财富,而是一种穷尽此生,不断探索世界的热情。