Despite its looming presence, the giant sloth was a gentle herbivore, not really built for speed. It weighed in at over two tonnes. Megatherium reminds me of an old man in carpet slippers. The feet are rather distorted. They're turned over on their side like a man with arthritis. Megatherium was one of the first animals to disappear in the period of extinction that continues today. I fell in love with this thing when I first saw it. As far as I'm concerned, this is the best exhibit in the museum. It's brilliant. But does a great zoological collection merely preserve the remains of animals that have vanished forever? Or could it actually be used to stave off extinction in the first place? In 1945, farmers started using a new pesticide called DDT. It was effective and it was devastating. Large amounts of the chemical were released into the countryside before its effects on the environment and human health were fully understood. 巨型地懒外形庞大,却是很温顺的食草动物。它们身躯重达2吨,并不擅长奔跑,大地懒让我联想到穿着拖鞋的老人,它的腿很畸形。侧面看就像是得了关节炎的人,大地懒是第一种,自大灭绝时期消失至今的动物。 我对它一见钟情,在我认为,博物馆里最棒的。品非它莫属、精彩绝伦,但栩栩如生的动物藏品,只是为了留下,灭绝动物的躯壳而已吗?它能不能为我们提供证据,找出生物灭绝的原因呢。1945年 农民开始使用新型杀虫剂滴滴涕,效果明显且具毁灭性。大量的化学残留排入村庄,环境受到破坏。人们的健康状况受到损害,一位充满激情的鸟类学家。