The actual construction itself was a, you know, a work of art and a great work of science. Ironically, things that the team complained about was seasickness because the model actually began to sway as they were applying the colour and the external characteristics so in order to prevent the guys feeling seasick, they actually had to block the model up to stop it from moving. Seasickness aside, the exhibit opened in December 1938 to great public acclaim. The initial reaction from people was just complete and utter awe. 70 years later, the blue whale has lost none of its power. Even Richard is still bewitched, acknowledging the model as the inspiration for his career. I visited on a school trip here in 1976, and I stood pretty much in this spot and I do remember the sense of fascination and complete shock, I think. I just couldn't quite get it into my head that something could grow so large and I'd no idea that I'd ever end up working in a place like this and let alone be responsible for the model. 实际建造不仅是艺术工作,更是科学工作、有趣的是,队员们居然抱怨晕船。因为在开始上色,刻画外部特点时,模型开始摇晃。为了防止晕船感,他们需要固定住模型不让它摇晃。撇开晕船不提,展览在1938年10月开放,获得了大众高度的称赞。那时所有参观者都目瞪口呆,70年后,蓝鲸的魅力丝毫不减,理查德自己也沉迷其中。他说是这个模型吸引他入行的。 1976年我随学校来这儿参观,我在它面前站了很久,那种新奇和震惊感,现在仍记忆犹新,我无法想象,如此巨大生物的存在,也从未想过我以后会在这里工作。更不用说负责护理它了。