But this is a success story as Russell's work is already having a positive effect. We came here six months ago, which was the first survey. And we saw schistosomiasis in the children about 50, 60%. Today, when we've done our finished clinic, it's about half that. And he hopes that this local success can soon be repeated at an international level. Schistosomiasis is an amazingly clever disease. It's woven itself really intricately into the bond that these people have with this lake. Now, we can't break that bond, but what we can do is treat everyone. And what Russell and his team have shown here is the benefits of treating these guys, the under fives. And, by showing that, we hope to be able to improve the lives of millions of children all the way across Africa. I think that deserves a round of applause. 这是一个成功的案例,拉塞尔的工作已然产生积极影响。六个月前我们到达这里,进行第一次调查。那时约一半以上的儿童患有吸血虫病,今天会诊结束时,患儿数量减少了一半,他希望这样的局部成功,能迅速影响全世界。血吸虫病极为狡猾,利用人们赖以生存的湖水,与人类建立千丝万缕的联系。我们无法斩断这种联系,但我们能够治疗每一个人。拉塞尔和他的团队就是向我们展示,治疗这些五岁以下儿童所带来的好处,并且通过此举,我们希望能够改善全非洲几百万儿童的生活。 我觉得这值得鼓鼓掌。