Arrive at the museum by the main entrance and you will be welcomed by the same buck-tooth grin that has enchanted visitors for decades. Diplodocus, or Dippy to his friends, has pride of place in the main hall. Today, he's one of the museum's most loved and iconic exhibits. Even if he is a bit tricky to photograph. Dippy has become synonymous with the museum as it's such a gargantuan exhibit, and it's the first thing that people see when they enter the museum, and it's often the last thing as well as they leave, so it makes a lasting impression on everyone. But while he may leave visitors awestruck, many people fail to realize. Dippy is not a real fossil. In fact, he's a plaster replica. He's modelled not on one, but five incomplete skeletons housed in the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh in the US. 走进博物馆正门,首先映入眼帘的便是那数十年如一日浮现在游客脸上的各式开怀笑容。 梁龙,昵称呆呆龙,傲然矗立于正厅当中。如今,他俨然是博物馆里最受欢迎的标志性展品之一。尽管将他尽收镜中颇费周折。 呆呆龙因其庞大的身躯成为了本馆标志性展品。他是人们乍入馆中所见的第一件展品,通常也是临走前看到的最后一件。所以给人们留下了难以磨灭的印象。 他总是能令游客心生敬畏。许多人未意识到呆呆龙并非真化石。实际上,他是一座石膏复制品。他的原型并非一只恐龙,而是据美国匹兹堡的卡内基博物馆内,五具残缺不全的骨骼仿造,由此拼接而成。