It took a vast collection of bones to inspire a project to slow down habitat destruction on Mauritius, and collections, it seems, underpin everything that happens in the Natural History Museum. The museum's home to the largest and most important natural history collection in the world, and the specimens range from microscopic slides to huge whale skeletons. Beyond what the public sees, somewhere in this labyrinth, this vast collection includes 58 million animals... ..5 million pressed plants. There are 9 million fossils... ..more than 300,000 rocks and minerals... ..and over 2,000 meteorites. But while all of the tens of millions of items in the collection are precious to someone, one stands head and shoulders above the rest. 在大量遗骨藏品的启发下,一个项目诞生了。该项目旨在减缓毛里求斯的生境破坏。如今看来,这些藏品是自然史博物馆一切成就的基础。 本馆馆藏量世界第一,其藏品的重要性也居世界首位。从载玻片到巨鲸骨骼,各种标本应有尽有。除却公开展出的藏品 这座迷宫的深处还收藏着五千八百万件动物标本。五百万件压制的植物标本,还有九百万具化石。三十多万件岩石和矿物的标本。外加两千多颗陨石。尽管数以千万的藏品都价值连城,但其中有一件傲立群雄。