When people look at the specimens, they see the museum and the open galleries. Do you think they really think about all the work that goes on behind the scenes? Well, some will and some won't. And it isn't a catastrophe if you come through this museum and you don't realise what work is done at the back, if you have been to very important place and seen some remarkable things and discovered something about the glory and fascination of the natural world. But you get more if you begin to realise that this is where so much of this work goes on. Towards the end of last year, the museum announced the opening of a new wing. A 78 million pound extension of exhibition space and laboratories. But I can't help wondering, how much of the work that goes on in these 21st century ivory towers will ever mean anything out there in the real world. 当人们看到标本,他们看到了博物馆和对外开放的展厅。您觉得他们会去想这些在幕后的所有工作吗? 有些人会,有些就不会。要是有人来到博物馆后没有意识到,幕后的工作也不算是灾难,能来到这么重要的地方看到这么了不起东西,并发现自然世界的壮丽和迷人是件好事。不过要是能意识到这些后面的工作那收获就更大了。 去年年底前,博物馆宣布开放一个新侧厅,一个造价为七千八百万的扩建工程,包括展区和实验室,不过我禁不住要想在这里。这个21世纪的象牙塔里有多少工作,对外面的世界能有价值。