Sir David Attenborough has spent a lifetime working with natural history institutions the world over. I wanted to ask what the Natural History Museum means to him as an expert, and an outsider. Now when I was growing up, I remember my first experience of the museum, my father brought me here when I was about five. I remember seeing the big blue whale. Is there anything that you remember, your first visit to the museum. I mean, the front doors are a pretty impressive start, you're into somewhere special. And then you go through and you saw that dinosaur, erm, I... When I fist visited I was very impressed, my second visit, I have to say, I was a bit disappointed to discover that the dinosaur wasn't a real dinosaur. It was a plaster cast of a dinosaur, of course. And that was a bit of a letdown. But I soon discovered that actually, of course, there's much more to natural history than dinosaurs. 大卫艾登伯格爵士一生都在跟全世界的自然历史机构打交道。我想要问他从一个专家角度和局外人的角度,自然历史博物馆对他都意味着什么? 我现在还能记起我第一次来这个博物馆的情形。我五岁时我父亲带我来的。我还记得看到了巨大的蓝鲸 您能记得你第一次来博物馆的情景吗? 正门就很壮观,感觉到了个特别的地方。一进来就看见那个恐龙,呃,我...我第一次来时印象很深,不顾第二次我得说,当我发现这恐龙不是真的时挺失望的。这不过是个石膏恐龙,那的确让我有点泄气。不过当然我很快就发现,自然史可远不止是恐龙。