This looks the most unlikely place imaginable. It is not a pleasant place, but the rewards are high once you do get inside. And out of this unlikely ditch, his team has extracted over 7,500 bones. Thanks to this insignificant little marsh, we've actually found a cross-section of the original ecology, so in other words we're starting to piece together the small bits as well as the large bits. The large bits being dodo, giant tortoise, the large vertebrates, but we're finding little things, the seeds, the types of trees that were here, we're probably coming closest to working out what happened to these places before humans arrived from this, well very one site. Gosh, that's incredible. As Julian built up a picture of the ancient habitat, time and time again it was one species he kept finding. Not the dodo, but the giant tortoise. 真想象不到会是这种地方。 这不是什么好地方,但一旦进去 就会发现收获颇丰。 在这个毫不起眼的水坑里,他的团队发现了七千五百多根骨头。 幸亏有这一小片湿地,我们获取了当地原始生态横截面数据。也就是说,我们已开始拼凑这些大小不一的骨头,较大的可能是渡渡鸟、巨型陆龟,或大型脊椎动物的骨骼。我们还有些其他小发现,即过去生长于此的那些树的种子。人类到来之前这里究竟发生了什么。对于这个问题,我们也许很快就能得出答案了。 太不可思议了。 朱利安拼凑这片古栖息地的原貌时,不断地发现某种动物的遗骨,不是渡渡鸟的,而是巨型陆龟的。