Taxonomy the way I do it is essentially pattern recognition, and in that way, children are naturally taxonomists. My boys used to sort the plastic animals into prehistoric animals and modern animals, and then they would have battles and things. But it's a fantastic thing to be able to do. Basically you just get to be someone who never really grew up. I feel uniquely lucky that I've discovered something that I absolutely love, and that I come into work every day and think "oh, what do I get to do today? Which is, which is great." It's incredible. There are huge numbers of people here, and it's not to see a new exhibit, a dinosaur or a giant panda or anything like that. It's one of the great icons of wildlife film making, Sir David Attenborough. 我做分类学的方式就是模式识别。这么说来,其实孩子们都是天生的分类学家。我儿子以前就把塑料玩具动物分成史前动物和现代动物,然后让它们打架,能做这些真是很棒。基本上就是要一直保有一颗童心,我感觉极度的幸运因为我发现了自己热爱的东西。每天我来上班时都在想:“喔,今天又要干什么呢?”这点真是好极了。 真难以置信,这里有很多人,不是要看什么新展品,恐龙或是熊猫什么的。这是野生生物影视制作的了不起的偶像——大卫艾登伯格爵士