At last, the grunters get a worm. Found one, found one. But the alternatives are going to ground, nothing is happening there. One, stop. I didn't get a worm. It's not a worm. Somebody with a twanging method got about six worms, this is all we got. Still, you know, not too shabby. Number 236. Got six. 31. 31. While three of the methods got six worms between them, fork twanging took in 138 worms. Emma, it was a bit of a no contest today, wasn't it, really? Yeah, well, honestly, I thought the fork twanging was gonna win, but I hadn't realised it was gonna be such an outright winner. Well, there's only one more job for us to do, release them back into the wild. Bye, little wormies. - 哼哼组最后也弄到了蚯蚓 - 这有一条 非传统组依旧落后,什么都没出来 - 停 - 我一条都没抓到 晃叉组有人弄到了六条,我们就这么一个宝贝,不过也不算太差 236号选手 我抓到六条 - 31条 - 31条 有三种方法各获得了六条蚯蚓,晃叉组却得到了138条 艾玛,今天的比赛完全没有竞争,对吧? 对,我想到了晃叉组会赢。可我完全没想到会有这么大的差距。现在只剩一件事了,就是把它们放归大自然 再见了,小虫虫们