Some of the punters take their worm charming very seriously. I went to the World Worm Charming Championship this June and, unfortunately, I only got six worms. Emma is harnessing our competitive spirit to help her run an experiment. What we're trying to do is actually have a look and to see what is the best method of worm charming so there are lots of methods out there. It's become a bit of national sport. Everyone is trying different ways of charming the worms out and we want to know what's the best one, 'cause it could actually be useful to us. What are the four different methods that you're using? Right, today we're going to do fork twanging. You take your fork, you twang it and you wait for worms. We're going to do grunting. No, not like a pig. You rub two sticks together and create vibrations in the ground. Then we've got a good bit of old stamping. Yep, I think I've got the hang of that one. And then we've got the alternative. Remember, it was good enough for Darwin. 有些人对这的态度十分认真 我参加了今年六月的世界戏蚯蚓锦标赛,不幸的是我只弄到了6条 艾玛利用我们的好胜心理在做一个实验 我们想要通过这个活动看看,到底什么是吸引蚯蚓的最好办法。因为大家用的方法很多,这都有点儿像是种全国运动了。每个人都尝试用不同方法把蚯蚓吸引出来,我们想知道哪种方法最有效,这对我们会很有帮助。 现在用的四种方法都是什么? 今天我们有晃叉法,我们把叉子上下晃,等蚯蚓出来 我们会用哼哼法 不是像猪一样哼哼,我们把两根木棒一起摩擦产生振动传到地下 我们有踩踏法 这个我能明白