C'mon, worms. The mustard method is apparently the gold standard in worm charming. It's a waiting game, isn't it? Definitely. Emma needs to study the worms she finds because, unbelievably, we still know very little about the creatures that are chiefly responsible for the health of the soil. Oh, I can see one here, look. Oh, wow. That's a good one. But the mustard method only targets deep burrowing worms, and with over 26 species of earthworm in Britain, Emma needs other methods that will reach the places mustard can't, so she's on the hunt for other techniques. Which is why we're off to Hyde Park for an unusual event. Hello, welcome to the launch of the Earthworm Society of Britain. Today, Emma plans to make worm charmers out of all of us. 来吧,虫虫,芥末水方法好像是戏蚯蚓的金点子。 - 这就剩等了,对吧? - 没错 艾玛要研究蚯蚓,很难相信我们今天。我们对土壤健康的这一重大功臣仍不甚了解 - 看,这儿有一只 - 噢,哇! 这只不错,不过芥末法只对在深处有洞穴的蚯蚓有效。可是英国有26种不同的蚯蚓。艾玛需要有其它方法来做到芥末做不到的,所以她要开始寻找新的技术,这就是为什么我们要去海德公园参加一个特别的活动 你们好,欢迎来到英国蚯蚓协会的建会仪式 今天艾玛要把我们都变成戏蚯蚓者