My instincts are telling me I should not be doing this, but I've got to trust Lorraine. The night before we peel the mould off, I may not sleep quite as comfortably as I would on other nights. And the next bit of the recipe is. Leave to set for 24 hours, and then store in a cool secret place. Well, I'm back for the next instalment, and this is the really nerve-wracking bit. I just want to get on with it. Over the last week, more layers of rubber were added to the mould, now it's time to see if we can get archaeopteryx safely out from under it. It's possible to damage the specimen, if you don't do this bit properly. If you start to pull. There we go. It's coming away really cleanly. Yeah. But it's the fragile wishbone that's particularly vulnerable. You're past it, you're past the wishbone. Perfect, perfect. Voila. There we are. Phew. Isn't that amazing? Look at that tail, it's fabulous, isn't it? That's the bit I did. You did. Look at the detail, the detail is brilliant, everything's fine, isn't it? And the specimen itself. The specimen is happy. I feel I need a drink after that. Well, this is the main thing, this specimen is perfectly intact. 直觉告诉我,不能这么做。但我要相信洛伦,我们揭模前夜。我可能没平日睡得那么安稳 下一步怎么做呢? 静置24小时,移至阴凉处存放。我回来进行下一步工作了。这是最令人头疼的一个环节,我只想赶快完事。上一周中,标本表面的橡胶被不断加厚 始祖鸟能安然脱险吗? 我们即将揭晓,揭模时稍有差错,标本就可能受损。轻轻地揭开,拉起来了。 -没什么残留 -没错。但那块纤细的叉骨,格外令人担心。 好了,叉骨没事。 很好很好。 -可不是 -成了,好险啊。 太神奇了。看那尾巴,真是一模一样 -那段是我涂的哦 -没错 看看细节,太生动了,完美复制,对吧? -原版标本呢 -毫发无损 我回家得喝一杯 最重要的是,标本完好无损。