It's time for the liquid rubber. You're going to help me put this all over the specimen. It just doesn't feel right, we have got this incredibly valuable, beyond value specimen, and we're just going to cover it with stuff. I know, I know. What we're going to do is work on the bone section, so you basically get some on your brush, I'll just do the top to show you, and all you're doing, you're not even pushing. You're just gently allowing the rubber to go on, then you can leave it like that. You are so calm about this. Work down the tail, and then work your way out to the tail feathers. Do you ever get nervous doing this? Not at this stage actually, because I have control at this stage. There's a small level of uncertainty comes when I peel away the mould, cuz although I think I might be 100% sure that I've made every possible step to avoid any damage. You know, I won't know until I pull that mould off that I'm right. I find this so weird, it feels like complete sacrilege. Does look quite shocking, doesn't it? It's like, "What are they doing to the specimen?" 该涂抹液态橡胶了。 你来帮我涂,要盖住整个标本,总觉得不对劲,这个标本其价值不可估量。我们却要往上涂东西 没错 我们要涂满骨骼部分,用刷子蘸些橡胶,我演示一下。你完全无需用力,让橡胶自己流下来,附着上去就好,然后就不用管它了 -你怎么这么冷静? 从尾骨开始,慢慢盖住尾羽。 从事这项工作时,你从不紧张吗? 现在还不,这一步骤还在我控制范围内,之后揭模时会比较忐忑。虽然我知道,我已想方设法避免损坏。揭下来之前,我总有点手足无措 太诡异了,感觉我在搞破坏。 看着确实吓人,"怎么能这么折腾标本呢"