Oh, no. You're going to put them off. Honestly, that's delicious. Oh, no. Actually, it's not, it's not bad. That's it, choose a nice big fat juicy one. Have a chew. Do you want one? Got a sauce. I quite like it. You like it? Yeah. It has a slight chocolate taste or coffee or something. It does. Actually, no. I was wondering. Yeah, you got to the soft bit there, didn't you? Yeah, not that nice. Yes. Go for it. I don't want to see it flying out again. Any good? I don't really like it. It's funny. Do you think that once you get over the idea of insects, the flavour is quite nice - even though as I'm seeing that this young lady is trying to spit her tongue out? This is somewhat exceptional for people to come and do this today I guess. So but if you go to the markets of Malaysia and Asia particularly, it's not a case of what they eat. It really is a case of what they don't eat. And the insects there is no market places are absolutely dripping with great big bugs and beetles and spiders and scorpions, and all sorts of things. And of course you do get these giants. Now, who's still hungry? -诡异 -你弄得观众都不敢吃啦 说实话,还挺好吃的 不 说真的,感觉不错。 没错,挑只多脂多汁的。 嚼一口 想来一只吗? 蘸点酱,我挺喜欢的 你喜欢吗 ? 是的,尝起来有点巧克力或咖啡的味道。 的确 没有呀 我猜 你吃了软的那边,对吗? 不错,没那么好吃。 尝一口 可别让它飞出来啦 好吃吗? 我不太喜欢 真逗,如果大家能接受以昆虫为食,你会觉得它们美味吗? 虽然我看到,这位女士正吐舌头呢。今天让人们来吃昆虫,显得挺怪异的,但是如果你到马来西亚和亚洲的菜市场,就会看到,他们大部分虫都吃,不吃的反而是少数。市场上售卖的昆虫,五花八门,大臭虫,甲虫,蜘蛛,蝎子,种类齐全。当然你还可以看到这种大块头的虫。 现在,谁还饿着呢?