But Stuart Hine has no such problem. He appreciates them all. They're the masters of this planet, where they do so much and they contribute to so many elements of it. They contribute to our pollination. In some cases they clothe us. They also help to control each other's numbers of clothe. If it weren't for things like spiders and it weren't for things like wasps, and we'd be up to our armpits in flies and maggots, so the world as we know it would not exist. So it's a very good example, I suppose, of reasons why we shouldn't be stamping on them. Stuart believes there's one other way that insects could prove to be useful, though personally I'm not entirely convinced. As the population of Britain continues to grow, some day we may have to find new ways to feed ourselves. Stuart is staging a one-man campaign to persuade us that insects could be part of the answer. 斯图尔特·海恩就没有这种困扰,他什么虫都喜欢。他们是地球的主人,它们大有作为,贡献良多。它们负责授粉,为人类提供布料,它们还互相控制各自的数量。如果没有蜘蛛黄蜂这些动物,我们就会被淹没在苍蝇和蛆里。我们所熟悉的世界将不会存在,类似的例子很多。所以说,我们不该乱杀昆虫,斯图尔特相信,这些昆虫,还有其他大用处。但我个人可不敢苟同,英国人口的持续增长。终有一天,我们会需要其他食物,斯图尔特将表演一个单人秀,希望说服我们,昆虫也许能解决这一难题。