So to find out if bugs really should be feared, I've come to the Angela Marmont Centre for UK Biodiversity. Here, members of the public are encouraged to send in unusual bugs for identification, and the man who opens the morning post is entomologist Stuart Hine. Are you ever a bit scared about what you might find in these envelopes? Without doubt, yeah. I mean, special delivery this one. And they sometimes are. I've certainly opened jiffy bags before that live scorpions in. Fortunately nothing too venomous. But the latest bug scaring the British public is the false widow spider, a relative of the infamous black widow. Amongst the spiders in the UK, it's without doubt just about as bad as it can get in terms of spider bite. And this one is believed to be a false widow spider. And is it? It isn't, no, it's a fairly common spider, one of the commonest, in fact, around our homes. It's a very similar pattern. It's a very similar shaped spider. In this case, certainly not. 为证明爬虫惧怕症的合理性,我来到了英国马尔蒙生态多样性中心。该中心鼓励公众将不寻常的虫子送来进行鉴定,为我上早晨第一堂课的是昆虫学家斯图尔特·海恩。 你会不会害怕?这些信封里到底装了什么? 毫无疑问,当然会。 这是特别快递,有时会有这样的。我曾打开包裹,发现活生生的蝎子。但幸运的是 ,毒性不是很大。最近,令英国公众最为畏惧的是一只假的黑寡妇蜘蛛。它是令人胆寒的黑寡妇的亲戚,在英国所有的蜘蛛中,毫无疑问被这种蜘蛛咬伤是最危险的。而这一只并非真的黑寡妇,是吗 -不是,只是普通蜘蛛。实际是最为普通的,在家周围就有,是一只花纹很像,体型很像的蜘蛛而已,这只绝不是黑寡妇。