So we're well and truly outnumbered, which doesn't help the millions of people in the UK that have a phobia of insects and spiders. For many of us, bugs and creepy-crawlies are the stuff of nightmares. But what is it about them that frighten us so much? Is it because they hang around in dark little corners, or that they're so different to us? Now, I find some bugs absolutely fascinating, but I have to admit others make me a little bit uncomfortable. 在数量上我们处于绝对劣势,但是在英国,仍有数百万人惧怕昆虫和蜘蛛。对于许多人而言,虫子和爬行昆虫,都是噩梦。为什么这些动物会让我们如此胆战心惊呢?是它们总在阴暗角落里徘徊,还是因为它们与我们截然不同呢?现在,我发现有些虫子真的很迷人。但我还是得承认其他虫子还是让我很不自在。