But we collect butterflies in places where no human has been before. Once we had to hire a helicopter to help us to access to the mountain. So the helicopter came, dropped us from a height and left us for a week. This collection is impossible to replace. I've been here five years, and there are drawers that I haven't seen before. Setting butterflies definitely is something therapeutic thing to do. It is a dying art, because not many people can do it any more. Just doing the antennas. This is one of the tricky bits. If the antenna breaks, that's a big problem because you can't fix it. A butterfly collected today will look exactly the same as one someone collected 250 years ago. And here you are. 有一次我们得雇佣一架直升飞机,帮助我们上山。于是直升飞机来了,把我们从空中放下,一周后来接我们,这个收藏无可取代。我入馆已经五年了,这里依然有我没有看过的抽屉。蝴蝶标本定型绝对是门精细活儿,这门艺术即将失传,因为掌握的人已经寥寥可数。我在处理触须,这是难点之一。如果触须断了,就麻烦大了,因为它无法修复。250年前收集的蝴蝶,今天看起来和当时别无二致。好了。