The century-old case is closed. The victim was not only shot, but shot in the back. Today, collecting still goes on. The result is a vast collection that needs a vast amount of care. My name is Blanca Huertas. I'm the curator of the butterflies here at the Natural History Museum. I've been always seen there's same butterflies since I've been a small girl. I'm from Colombia. That's one of the first things that you see flying around you. There butterfly collection in the Natural History Museum is the world's biggest and most comprehensive ones. We own 90% of this species represented in every single drawer in this collection. 这件世纪大案终于了结了,受害者不仅遭到枪击,而且是背部中枪。绿色区域,让人怕怕的爬行动物。直到今天,收藏也不曾停止。所得的大量收藏,需要大力照料。 我叫布兰卡·赫尔塔斯,是自然历史博物馆的蝴蝶区管理员。自小我就对蝴蝶很感兴趣,我来自哥伦比亚,那里随处可见飞舞的蝴蝶。自然历史博物馆里的蝴蝶收藏在全世界数量最多,品种最全。我们拥有已知蝴蝶收藏中90%的品种,我们常去人类尚未踏足的地区收集蝴蝶。