wa jue guo qu 5

Song 挖掘过去5
Artist 英语听力
Album BBC生命博物馆


Throughout the area the team are uncovering dinosaur fossils, but Paul wanted to take me to a site where they'd found something quite extraordinary. But just as we got to the location and started to get some shots of the area, something else caught our attention. Just as we've been filming, the guys have found another fossil. Check this out. It's very small, guys. What is that? It seems to be a Prosauropod tooth. While the Sauropods were huge lumbering beasts up to 30 metres long, the Prosauropods that came before them were much smaller animals that primarily walked on two legs. But little is known about how one evolved into the other. That's a teeny tooth, so how how big were these Prosauropods? So this will be similar size to some of the other ones we're finding, so maybe sort of like a six-metre-long animal. Yeah. The tooth is missing quite a bit of the root down here at the bottom. Okay, so we'd have it maybe about this length in total?
小组成员遍布这片区域,各有收获,但保罗想带我去一个地方。参观不久前出土的特殊化石,但我们刚抵达那里,并开始拍照时,另一样东西吸引了我们的注意。正当我们拍摄的时候,小组人员找到了另一块化石。 快来看,好小啊,这是什么? 好像是原蜥蜴的牙齿,原蜥蜴: 三叠纪早期的龙盘目恐龙 约于侏罗纪灭绝。蜥脚目恐龙是巨型爬行动物,身长可达三十米,以后腿行走的原蜥蜴在其面前,就显得娇小许多,但两者如何演化为一,却鲜为人知。这颗牙齿很小。 那么这些原蜥蜴有多大呢? 这只原蜥蜴的体型,和我们正挖掘的同类差不多,大概是六米长,这颗牙的底部碎了一块。 那原来大概这么长吗?


Throughout the area the team are uncovering dinosaur fossils, but Paul wanted to take me to a site where they' d found something quite extraordinary. But just as we got to the location and started to get some shots of the area, something else caught our attention. Just as we' ve been filming, the guys have found another fossil. Check this out. It' s very small, guys. What is that? It seems to be a Prosauropod tooth. While the Sauropods were huge lumbering beasts up to 30 metres long, the Prosauropods that came before them were much smaller animals that primarily walked on two legs. But little is known about how one evolved into the other. That' s a teeny tooth, so how how big were these Prosauropods? So this will be similar size to some of the other ones we' re finding, so maybe sort of like a sixmetrelong animal. Yeah. The tooth is missing quite a bit of the root down here at the bottom. Okay, so we' d have it maybe about this length in total?
xiǎo zǔ chéng yuán biàn bù zhè piàn qū yù, gè yǒu shōu huò, dàn bǎo luó xiǎng dài wǒ qù yí gè dì fāng. cān guān bù jiǔ qián chū tǔ de tè shū huà shí, dàn wǒ men gāng dǐ dá nà lǐ, bìng kāi shǐ pāi zhào shí, lìng yí yàng dōng xī xī yǐn le wǒ men de zhù yì. zhèng dāng wǒ men pāi shè de shí hòu, xiǎo zǔ rén yuán zhǎo dào le lìng yí kuài huà shí. kuài lái kàn, hǎo xiǎo a, zhè shì shén me? hǎo xiàng shì yuán xī yì de yá chǐ, yuán xī yì: sān dié jì zǎo qī de lóng pán mù kǒng lóng yuē yú zhū luó jì miè jué. xī jiǎo mù kǒng lóng shì jù xíng pá xíng dòng wù, shēn cháng kě dá sān shí mǐ, yǐ hòu tuǐ xíng zǒu de yuán xī yì zài qí miàn qián, jiù xiǎn de jiāo xiǎo xǔ duō, dàn liǎng zhě rú hé yǎn huà wéi yī, què xiǎn wéi rén zhī. zhè kē yá chǐ hěn xiǎo. nà me zhèi xiē yuán xī yì yǒu duō dà ne? zhè zhǐ yuán xī yì de tǐ xíng, hé wǒ men zhèng wā jué de tóng lèi chà bù duō, dà gài shì liù mǐ zhǎng, zhè kē yá de dǐ bù suì le yí kuài. nà yuán lái dà gài zhè me zhǎng ma?