That's right. This is around 700,000 years. Present day is back there. Chris and his team have collected evidence of human occupation from sites right across Britain. This is a leg bone about 500,000 years ago. 400,000 years ago we've got one human fossil from that period from Swanscom be in Kent. We know the Neanderthals were back here in Britain about 60,000 years ago. That brings us nicely up to the present day with a modern human, so there we are. But the periods without any people at all coincide with something rather chilling - ice Ages. So when were those ice ages that you were talking about? There's a whole series of them. Here, about 13,000 years ago, you've got the peak of the last ice age. Then we've got a major cold stage here, another one here. So I can count seven major ice ages over the 700,000 years? Yep, and at least seven extinction events of the people. It's only us that are the last survivors. All the rest of these species, of course, died out, and they died out successively in Britain and Britain had to be repopulated about every 100,000 years. 这大约是七十万年前,当今世界在那里,克里斯和他的团队遍历英国各地遗址,收集人类生存痕迹。 这是根五十万年前的腿骨,我们在肯特郡的斯旺司孔,发现了四十万年前的人类化石。我们知道尼安德塔人生活在六十万年前的英国,接下来就是生活在当今的现代人,所以我们在这完全没有人类迹象的时代,与一个寒冷的时期暗合,冰河时代。 你所说的冰河时代是在什么时候? 那是个很长的时间段,这里 一万三千年前,最后一个冰河时代达到顶峰,这有一个主要寒冷期,另一个在这。过去七十万年,有七大段冰河时期 是的,人类至少消亡了七次,我们是最后一批幸存者。显然其他时期的人类都已灭绝,他们相继在英国消失了,英国每十万年就要经历一次人类换代。