On another part of the site, a new find provides proof of a significantly warmer climate than Norfolk enjoys today. So what have you found, Nigel? Well, what we've just found here is a fragment of bone in the sands just above the gravels. Nothing you're describing looks like bone. Can you point it out? It's all these tiny black fragments and dark brown fragments in here. There's a small fragment of bone there, yep. We often find fragments of bone. Hyenas chew them. They're the only animals that consume bone in its entirety. But that would have been the wildlife of this time, would it? Absolutely. If you step back in time 700,000 years ago, 600,000 years ago and came to Norfolk, you'd think you were in Africa. They do leave us other clues as to their presence. Well, their droppings behind. Because they consumed bone and there's a lot of mineral content in bone, their dropping survive very well once they're rolling around in the gravels. And we think we've just found one in this section here. We only just found this a few minutes ago, but I'm fairly sure that's what it is. It's a characteristic shape and size, and we've got three others of these droppings elsewhere in the site already, so put this into a fourth one. 发掘现场另一头出土了一个新发现,证明诺福克以前比现在热得多 你发现了什么,奈杰尔? 我们在沙子里面发现了些骨头碎片,就在碎石上层,这片没有看着像骨头的。 你能指出来吗?就是这些小小的黑色和深褐色的碎片,这是一小块骨头,我们经常能找到骨头碎片 鬣狗会吃这个? 它们是唯一能将其全部消化的动物,可猎狗是现代生物,对吧? 是的,如果回到70万年前或60万年前的诺福克就会有在非洲的感觉,他们确实留下了一些线索,证明他们的存在,也就是他们的粪便。他们能消化骨头,而骨头里有很多矿物质,它们的粪便沾上碎石后,就能保存得很好。我们刚才就在这片找到了一块,几分钟前刚发现的,但我很肯定那是块粪便。它的形状大小很独特,我们在这一带已经找到了三块,所以这是第四块。