Is it pretty difficult? Because to me there's different textures, lots of different colours here already. It is difficult. You need to get your eye in, walk around quite a lot, pick up some small bits and pieces and check out what's bone and what isn't. So actually just walking around here. You can already see some evidence of bone. Where? Just in this fallen block here, there's a little bit of bone just peeking out of the side here. I would never have known that was bone. What's giving it away is it's a slightly different colour to the rest of the rock. And also I can recognise it, as a part of a limb bone. Actually, that's been cut in section. So you can see it's hollow inside. Yeah. And then it has this thick layer of bone around the outer part of it, so it's a very characteristic shape. It seems amazing that in the 21st century, cutting-edge palaeontology still begins with a long walk and your eyes to the ground. What dinosaur hunters have been doing for nearly 200 years, but it gets results. 这工作难吗? 因为对我来说,这地面本就纹理繁复、颜色掺杂,是很难,你得仔细观察,到处走动,拾起碎石细块。看看它们是不是骨头,其实在这走上几圈就已经能发现些痕迹了。 在哪? 就在这片下陷的区域, 这里有一小块骨头露了出来,看吧,我绝认不出这是块骨头,我能发现它是因为它的颜色与边上岩石不同。我还能看出这是块四肢骨,它是被垂直截断的。你可以看到,它是中空的。外围还有一层厚骨,这个形状很典型。 令人惊奇的是在二十一世纪,古生物学家们仍要面朝黄土,徒步寻找化石。恐龙化石搜寻者 已如此奔走近两百年,然而努力没有白费。