Paul has promised to finally tell us what the tree and the landscape it stood in looked like. I'm really looking forward to seeing this. You can see how these little chains, these little circles here are actually the cells all lined up inside the wood, and that tells us that we've got a conifer, probably related to the sort of cypress-type conifers. Determining the species is a major step, but the cross sections also reveal what the climate at the time was like. It was growing in a seasonal environment. We can tell that because of the growth ring structure in the wood, sort of hot, dry summer season and a wet winter season. All Paul has to do now is put the pieces together and finally conjure up the world of John's tree. Firstly, the whole environment was warmer and much more arid. We wouldn't have had any grasses like we've got today and the forest that we've come out of, the woodland that we've come out of, is quite a dense woodland. If you went back to the Jurassic of Wiltshire, it would have been a much sparser, more open woodlands. 保罗答应给我们描述这棵树当年外貌与所处环境。 我很期待啊 这里的小条形和小圆圈是木头里成列的细胞,显示这是棵针叶类植物可能和柏树类有渊源。判定物种是重要的一步,而树的横截面还揭露了当时的气候。它生长在一个季节性环境里,我们判断的依据是树木年轮的结构,显示出干热夏季和潮湿冬季的气候区别。 保罗现在只需要把碎片拼合起来,并最终推想出这棵树所生活的世界。 首先,整个环境比现在更暖更干燥。当时的草肯定和现在的不同,我们刚才走过的森林,那片林地非常浓密,而在侏罗纪时代的威尔特郡,,当时的林地则更稀疏开阔一些。