The latest technology is being used in all sorts of ways to unlock the secrets of the past. Suddenly, with new techniques, fossils are telling tales not just of individual organisms but of the entire world that they lived in. We all know that for millions of years, dinosaurs ruled the Earth. But what did their world actually look like? Filled with plants and trees so different from today, it's difficult to imagine, even for the experts. But now, with the aid of cutting edge technology, a 145-million-year-old fossil found here in the Wiltshire countryside is set to shed new light on that lost world. And, no, it's not a dinosaur - it's a tree. Discovered in the summer of 2008, it's taken over a year for all 137 sections of the fossil tree to make their way from Wiltshire to the museum in London. 人们灵活运用最新科技,揭晓历史的秘密。突然间,在新技术的帮助下,化石不再代表单独个体。而开始讲述它们所在的整个世界的故事。 众所周知,恐龙曾统治地球几百万年。但当时的世界是什么样的呢?长满了与如今完全不同的植物和树木,即使是专家,也难以想象它的模样。但是现在,在前沿技术的帮助下,一枚发现于威尔特郡郊区的,一亿四千五百万年历史的化石,将向我们展示那个遗失的世界。而且,它不是一只恐龙,它是一棵树。 该树木化石发现于2008年夏季,人们又用了一年多时间,才将它的137块碎片,从威尔特郡运到位于伦敦的博物馆。