Lorraine is planning to let me loose with the laser on an extinct, 3,000-year-old dwarf hippopotamus skull. I'm gonna let you loose on it. Just point it down. Can you see that light? Yeah, a red ball? That red light shows you where you're going to be cleaning. Do you wanna have a go on the tooth? Yeah. Sure. Let's bring it round so you can see it more easily. That one in here? Have a look in this. They see the side of the tooth? Yeah. Have a go. So start from here. Yeah. And press, and then as you hear the sound, and then you can go in a little bit. That's it. That's it. That's right. You're a natural. Great well it's really satisfying, isn't right? It's really satisfying. Right, clean it all up. Exactly, exactly. It's a really satisfying thing to do. You're the first person to see that clean surface as well, and that's very satisfying. That is true, actually. But I'm the very first person on Earth to see that. You see, this work's well on large skulls, isn't it? So things like hippos, elephants. Any sized thing. I've cleaned things that are really, really tiny as well, so it works on all sorts of things. And not just fossils, you can clean butterfly wings and leaves of plants. No. All sorts of things with it. A butterfly's wings? Yeah. And it's very moreish, isn't it? And then you will feel that you want to clean all of it then? You're right. And after this I would have been moving onto something else? Yes. Exactly. I've got my eye on that big dinosaur as you walk into the museum. Yes, absolutely. 洛伦让我操作激光枪,护理3千年历史的已灭绝矮河马的头骨。 你来打激光,枪口向下。 看到那个点了吗? 红点处就是你会清理到的位置,你想试试清理牙齿吗? -是的 好的,我们把它挪过来,让你看得清楚些。 这颗牙齿吗?看这里,看到牙齿这面了吗?从这里开始点射,按。你能听到它的声音,然后可以往内侧挪一点。对了,对了,很好,你很有天分。 想到能够全弄干净,很满足啊。 就是这样,这让人很有满足感。而且你能第一个看到干净的表面,这也很有满足感。 对啊,我是它的第一个见证者。大型头骨上也能用这个吧,比如河马,大象,任何大小都可以。我也用它清理过非常非常小的东西,所以它在各种大小的东西上都能用,并且不限于化石。它还能清理蝴蝶翅膀和植物的叶子,骗人吧,蝶翼也行。 什么都行,而且这事很上瘾,不是吗? 一开始就停不下来,对吧?然后你想要把头骨都清理了。 然后我还想清理点别的。 就是这样,我看上了博物馆门口那只大恐龙。 当然了。