The conservation unit are leading the way in how museums around the world care for their fossils. You tend to bond with certain specimens if you've actually, if they've come into the Conservation Unit and you start to care for them. We're very passionate about what we do. I've come to meet Lorraine Cornish to see the latest weapon in the armoury of the Paleontological Conservation Unit. Hi, Jim. So we keep the laser in this room. And it's quite a dangerous bit of equipment to use so we have to come in and shut the door and make sure no one else is gonna come in. This may be technology of the future, but I'm less sure about the accessories that go with it. That's fine. 70s, right. OK. So this is a real-life laser gun? This is a real-life laser gun. Do you know how much I've dreamt of this as a kid after watching Star Wars? What we do is, we have a little bit of black photography paper here. Yeah. What we can do is we just test the laser is gonna work okay by doing this. Well. See how it's removing that for us? Good Lord, that is incredible. 馆中化石维护小组的技术,走在全球同行的前列。每当一个标本被送进来,你修复它,护理它,就很容易对这个标本产生感情。我们都对这个工作充满热忱。洛伦·科尼什将带我参观古生物保护小组的最新武器 你好,吉姆。这里是激光室,这个仪器有点危险。所以我们进来后要关好门,防止别人误闯,这或许是未来尖端科技。但这些装备让我有点不爽。 好了,复古装备啊 行了 这是支真的激光枪吗? 就是真的激光枪。你知道自从看了星战之后,我就对这枪梦寐以求吗?现在我们要做的是,这是一张黑色的照相纸,我们可以这样测试激光枪,看到它让纸褪色了吗? 天啊,难以置信