Hawkins was a British artist who'd made a name for himself building life-size model dinosaurs for the Crystal Palace. He came up with an elaborate metal frame and reconstructed his first real prehistoric animal. It was an instant sensation. Visitor numbers to the Philadelphia Museum doubled overnight. Suddenly, no museum of natural history could be without a standing dinosaur. Today, with over 2 million people a year passing through this gallery, not much has changed. But this isn't just an exhibition. It's a growing scientific resource with new dinosaurs adding to our understanding all the time. Liz Bonnin joined the museum team on a dig near Johannesburg, South Africa, in search of the Holy Grail of dinosaur exploration, a missing link. 霍金斯是一位英国艺术家,他曾在水晶宫建造了一座一比一恐龙模型。十九世纪的英国建筑奇观之一,因而在学界扬名他造出了制作精良的金属框架。首次使史前生物化石重新直立,此举即刻引起轰动。费城博物馆的参观人数立即翻了一番。不久,全世界的自然历史博物馆纷纷展出直立恐龙模型。如今,博物馆每年游客超过两百万人,而恐龙的魅力依旧如故。不过,这不仅是一场展览秀,更是一座建筑中的科学大厦。新出土的恐龙化石,不断为其添砖加瓦。利兹·博尼加入了挖掘小组,前往南非约翰内斯堡附近,参观恐龙探索的一项神奇发现,进化纽带"迷失的一环"。