These midges are caught in the act of mating 43 million years ago. You could see through into it. You can see the animal trapped there. You can see details of hairs on the legs of insects. You can see the eye facets. An enormous amount of information can be got from specimens trapped in amber. While dinosaur DNA proves elusive, there're disputed claims that prehistoric bacteria found inside amber has been isolated and brought back to life. There could be many more discoveries yet locked away inside nature's time capsules. The thousands of fossils held here at the Natural History Museum. Don't just tell us about the history of life on earth. They also hint at the lives of the people who collected them. Mary Anning may now be largely passed by, but in her hometown her contribution to fossil collecting is very much remembered. 这一对四千三百万年前的蚂蚁,在交配时被树脂"抓奸"可以看得很清楚,观察困在里面的动物能清楚地看到虫腿上的毛发,还有它们的复眼。我们从被困琥珀里的物种中可以得到许多信息,虽然未能发现恐龙的DNA,民间却开始街谈巷议。传说科学家提取出琥珀内的史前细菌,并使其恢复了活性,自然的时间舱内还有许多秘密,等着我们去发现探索。自然历史博物馆内数以千记的化石,不仅展示出地球上生物的演变,也拼凑出收藏家的生命轨迹。玛丽·安宁或许早已离世,但在她的故乡,她对化石收集的贡献却被牢牢铭记,位于英格兰南部,每年 ,莱姆里吉斯都会举办化石嘉年华。