Ever since the first standing dinosaur went on display in 1868, we've obsessed about recreating the great beasts. But when the film Jurassic Park exploded onto our cinema screens in 1993, we were offered the tantalising prospect of someday recreating a living, breathing dinosaur. The film suggested that scientists could recreate dinosaurs from DNA taken from dinosaur blood found inside mosquitoes trapped inside prehistoric amber. Now at the risk of sounding silly, for me that sounds just about reasonable, doesn't it? The key could lie here. Inside fire-proof safes, there are 4,500 pieces of fossilised tree resin with tiny creatures trapped inside. 1868年第一个直立恐龙化石展出后,我们就梦想着再现这些巨兽。1993年 《侏罗纪公园》登上大银幕,我们又不禁期待有一天可以克隆出摇头摆尾的恐龙。这部电影提出科学家可以从琥珀中的蚊子体内,抽取恐龙血,提取出DNA用于克隆恐龙,不怕你们笑我傻,我要说,这事听着挺靠谱,不是吗? 恐龙重生的钥匙也许就在这里,防火保险箱内有4500多个树脂化石,化石里都困着些小生物。