Dawson, we've got to nail him. We now know he was an infamous hoaxer. He actually perpetrated a very large number of faked discoveries of all kinds. If there's an afterlife, he must be a very happy man. There's no denying that Dawson and his Piltdown Man made monkeys out of many eminent scientists, but Andy's convinced that the lessons of the past have been learnt. I really don't think anything like this could happen today. It is very much a hoax of its time. So many people wanted this to be real, it became real. And do you think it's made scientists a bit more suspicious? Yes. I hope it has. It's certainly made me a lot more suspicious. Would you have been taken in? I hope not. 道森,我们得把他钉上十字架。现在我们知道,他是个无耻的造假惯犯。实际上他伪造了多种多样的伪发现,如果有来世,他肯定遭报应。 辟尔唐人,毋庸置疑,道森和他 的辟尔唐人蒙骗了许多著名科学家,但安迪相信我们已经总结了教训。 我深信,这样的事在当今不会发生那个时代有太多的造假之人,人们又希望美梦成真 最终鱼目混珠 这一事件使科学界更谨慎了吗? 是的,我希望如此,反正我更加谨慎了 -换了你会受骗吗 ? -希望不会