This time, the team is revealing the secrets of the fossils behind the scenes. Someone called it a comet of pre-history, and discovering new ones in South Africa. So it seems to be, if you like, caught in the act. We join the museum's palaeontologists. We're entering the world of fossils and bones, hoping to find out how people are using them to read the past and predict the future for all of us. Right here in the Natural History Museum, the Museum of Life. Once, museum dinosaurs were scattered fossils in wooden drawers. But in 1868, the curator of the Natural History Museum in Philadelphia had a revolutionary idea. He wanted to dust off the bones, put a dinosaur back together and find a way to stand it back upright. He wanted to give the creature scale, ferocity and drama, so he turned to Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins. 本集,摄制小组将为您揭开不为人知的化石之谜,有人称它为"史前彗星"。并前往南非,挖掘更多化石,它刚巧定格在进化过程中。我们加入了博物馆的化石考察队,我们将进入化石和骨骼的世界,探明人们是如何利用它们为我们解读过去,预言未来。一切尽在自然历史博物馆——生命的博物馆。 曾几何时,博物馆中的恐龙化石只是散放在木头展柜中,而在1868年,费城的自然历史博物馆馆长产生了一个革命性的想法。他想扫去骨骼上的灰尘,将恐龙组装复原,并找到方法,让它重新直立。 他想赋予恐龙磅礴的架势,凶猛生动的表情,于是他找到本杰明·沃特豪斯·霍金斯。