Its big questions like these that the museum hopes the BioBlitz can help answer. So, 24 hours is up. How's it gone? Excellent, exhausting but exciting. And we've got round about 800 species identified at the moment, and quite a bit of lab works to come over the next couple of weeks, so the numbers should go up quite a bit. Pleased with that? Yeah, really pleased. What does it tell us about the biodiversity here at Wembury? Well, it has shown it's very healthy in many places, but also there's some invasive species that has spread an awful lot further than we thought they had. And okay, be honest, how are you feeling? And jaded is probably the word I'd use. And exhausted but it's been really good fun. The museum's BioBlitz counted a total of 825 species at Wembury, and none of the animals were harmed during the making of this BioBlitz. The ecosystems of the world are complex. What we do know is that in faraway jungles and much closer to home, things are changing in ways we do not yet fully appreciate. But every day we're getting closer to understanding of what we've got, and what we have to do to conserve it, in part through the work being carried out here at the Natural History Museum - the Museum of Life. Next time, we enter the world of all that creeps and crawls. It's protected. I develop a taste for things with six legs. Honestly, that's delicious. And we find out how maggots are helping the police. 博物馆希望通过生物探索活动,找到这些重大问题的答案。那么,24小时已到,进展如何? 很好,疲惫不堪但还是很兴奋,我们现在已经确认了八百种生物。接下来几个星期,还要做许多后续的实验室工作,数量可能还会有所上涨。 -你满意吗 -是的 非常满意 文伯里的生物多样性给予我们什么启示? 从很多方面来讲,它非常健康。但是还是存在一些外来物种,比我们预想中扩散程度更广。 好吧。说实话,你觉得怎么样? 我得说我精疲力尽了。累坏了,但是真的很有趣。 博物馆的生物探索活动,在文伯里共找到825种生物。在探索活动中,没有任何动物受到伤害。 世界的生态环境非常复杂,我们所确知的是在遥远的丛林和家门附近,正在发生着令人担忧的改变。但是每一天,博物馆的工作都令我们更加深刻地认识到,我们手中所拥有的,以及我们应当怎样去珍惜它,尽在自然历史博物馆——生命的博物馆。 下一集,我们将深入爬虫世界。 它是受保护的,我慢慢喜欢吃六脚的东西了。说实话,很好吃。 我们会探索蛆怎样协助警方破案,走进地球上数百万种昆虫的世界。