Nightfall brings no rest. We don't want to miss the chance to find the animals that only come out after dark. If we just find a nice sinkhole that we can dig into without hitting bedrock. Oh, look at all these beasties. Dead seaweed is home to as many as nine different species of a tiny crustacean, the sandhopper. Just a couple of biscuits. Useful tip, cat biscuits attracts sandhoppers. Put that over the top, and then we need to make a mark to show that it's here. Yeah, not with that out. I wish we'll leave these overnight, because it's part of the BioBlitz. And we'll come back in the morning their first thing. And see how full they ate. From the lure of cat biscuits on the beach to egg cartons on the cliff. Oh, that's nice. Orange Swift. That's a Flame Shoulder. It's a good night for the moth people. 夜幕降临,工作不曾停止,我们不想错过发现只在夜间活动的动物的机会。要找个合适的排洞,能挖深又不挖会到岩层。 快看这些甲虫。死掉的海藻吸引了九种小甲壳类动物。 这就是沙蚤。 拿两块饼干来,小窍门,沙蚤喜欢猫饼干。把它放在上面,然后在这里做个标记。 对,今晚就放在这里。这也是生物探险活动的一部分。明早第一件事就是回来这里,瞧瞧里面有多少沙蚤。 从沙滩上的猫饼干诱饵,到岩壁上的产卵箱。 干得漂亮,是李尺蛾。 那是只狼夜蛾。 蛾类, 98种。蛾类研究员今夜收获颇丰