These are rare glimpses of the deep. We've seen less of our own planet's seabed than we have the surface of Mars. Do it feels like sitting on the Starship Enterprise looking out at an asteroid storm. It's quite mesmerizing. It is, isn't it? It's like a relaxation video, except I'm beginning to feel sick. Yeah. Oh, There it is. We've found it, we've found it. There it is. Yeah, that's the skull. Wow, fantastic. That's extraordinary. This was once a five tonne minke whale, and its carcass provides hundreds of times more food to this small patch of seabed than it would normally get in a year. It's like an ocean buffet that could support over 400 different species, many of which are new to science. It's quite a skill, isn't it, driving the ROV without kicking up all the silt? Yeah, it is. I mean it's, I think your best training for this would be hours in front of PlayStation computer games, really. 这样的深海景观很难看到,人类观测过的地球海床范围,比观测过的火星表面范围还要小,感觉就像坐在进取号星舰里,观测外面的小行星风暴。 -太迷人了 -的确,像是在看"请您欣赏",不过我有一点儿晕船。 -找到了,找到了 -就在那儿,那是头骨,不可思议,太惊人了。这曾是一条重达5吨的小须鲸,它的尸骸为这片海床提供的丰富养料,比这里通常时期 一整年所获得的养料,还多数百倍,它如同一顿丰盛的海底自助餐。供400多个物种饕餮,其中不乏尚未被发现的物种,操控水下机器人却不带起淤泥。 -这很需要技术是吧 -没错,我想最佳的训练方法,就是练上几个小时的电脑游戏。