There's still large parts of the world which are relatively unexplored, and small parts but significant parts which are completely unexplored, so there's no question that there's still a great need for this work to be done, and in particular because we're destroying so much of our natural world that what's left we need to manage much better in order to make sure that it survives for future generations. In their time in the unmapped zone the team collect over 200 species, many of which are new to science. In the months that follow each one will be dried and identified or even named for the first time. That information will be used to build up a map showing the spread of species across the forest, ensuring it's properly conserved and managed for the future. 全球仍有大片区域,未经完全探索,而个别小片区域甚至无人涉足。这些区域都有非常重要的意义,所以探索工作仍有必要进行下去,这一点毋庸置疑,特别是人类已经对自然环境,造成了那么多破坏。对于未破坏的自然环境,我们需要给予更多关怀,造福子孙后代。此次探索无人之境的过程中,科考队采集了两百余种物种。其中许多尚未被科学界知晓,在接下来几个月里,它们会被逐一干燥,鉴定,甚至首次得以命名。这些信息将用于绘制一张,该森林内物种的分布图,确保这片森林将得到妥善保护和管理。