Perfectly harmless. Oh, that was horrible. We got caught in the rain so we decided just to move all our stuff and come down and press, but the track has just turned into a mudslide and it's really, really horrible, they're all coming down. It's nice to wash in cold water at the end of the day when you're really hot, but as you can probably hear there's tonnes of horseflies whizzing around, so you have to be really quick before they bite you, so it's not that relaxing. 全然无害。 哦,真讨厌。正赶上下雨,所以我们决定带上东西返回营地。但是小路因为雨水变得泥泞非常非常难走,他们都在后面。一天结束浑身燥热时,洗个凉水澡最好不过了。但是你应该也能听到成群马蝇飞舞的嗡嗡声,洗澡动作慢就会被叮,所以也不能那么放松